Vienna Community Fiber

  • Vienna Community Fiber


Fiber graphic

Special Town Meeting - Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 - 9:30 AM - Vienna Community Center

A frequent complaint of Vienna residents has been the lack of access to an affordable, quality, high-speed internet connection. This was even before the COVID pandemic which only made the problem  worse. People were unable to work from home or their children unable attend online classrooms.

We heard you and after three years of study, now have a proposed solution. The timing couldn't be better, as the Federal government is stepping up to help out under-served communities like ours.

The Select Board has scheduled a special town meeting on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 9:30 AM at the Vienna Community Center to vote on an article authorizing them to negotiate and finalize a proposal from Axiom Technologies of Machias, Maine. In this proposal, Axiom will oversee the construction of a fiber-to-the-home network that Vienna will own. Vienna will subsequently contract with Axiom to operate the network and return a share of the revenues to the town.

Make an informed decision

There will be:

  • Informational Meeting at the Community Center on Wednesday, August 31 at 6:30
  • Public hearing on the article at the Community Center, Monday, September 19 at 6:30.

Please attend, listen, learn and share your opinion.

This will be a major project taking over two years to complete. When complete Axiom will offer monthly subscription fees less than what most people are paying now and with minimum speeds up to 20 times faster. Gigabit speeds will be possible for a higher subscription rate.

Further Information


Vienna Record: Aug-Sept 2022

View the Aug-Sept 2022 issue here

Selectmen's Minutes May 31, 2022 through July 26, 2022

Town Clerk hours 

Broadband Committee report - Special town Meeting - Oct. 1, 2022

Planning board minutes - May 25, 2022 and June 22, 2022

Dr. Shaw Memorial Library News

Editor's Notes - Article deadline for October/November newsletter: Sept. 25, 2022

Fire Department News - Successful Chicken BBQ

Mt. Vernon Community Center announcements

Planning Board Meeting - May 25, 2022



At 6:30 PM Regular members Waine Whittier, Ed Lawless, Alan Williams, and Tim Bickford visited the Landis site at 582 Ithiel Gordon Road, and shown on tax map 11 as lot 11-30-1; regular member Creston Gaither arrived soon thereafter and walked the site. The Landises would like to build a 12’ x 16’ screen porch and a 10’ x 12’ deck onto the existing house. Alan is their contractor. At 7:00 PM those 5 Board members convened the regular meeting at the Town House; minutes of the April 27 meeting were read and accepted. The Landis proposal was discussed. The site slopes somewhat toward Parker Pond and the surface has been partially disturbed.It was agreed that best management practices for soil erosion control should be required. Alan expects to place stone beneath the drip edges. He recused himself from the Board’s deliberations and vote.

Based on its on-site observations and Alan’s verbal representations, and a subsequent examination of the pertinent flood hazard map, the Board determined that the project as outlined above:

  1. Will maintain safe and healthful conditions;
  2. Will not result in water pollution, erosion, or sedimentation to surface waters;
  3. Will adequately provide for the disposal of all wastewater;
  4. Will not have an adverse impact on spawning grounds, fish, aquatic life, bird or other wildlife habitat;
  5. Will conserve shore cover and visual, as well as actual, points of access to inland waters;
  6. Will protect archaeological and historic resources as designated in the comprehensive plan;
  7. Will avoid problems associated with floodplain development and use; and
  8. Is in conformance with the provisions of Section 15, Land Use Standards.

The Board then voted  4 - 0 to authorize Creston to issue a SZO permit for this work.

Bonnie Patti has contacted Waine and would like to place a third residence, a recreational vehicle, on her Tower Road property shown on tax map 11 as lot 4-1. The Board understands that she intends to allow certain relatives by blood, adoption or marriage to live there free of charge. The Vienna Subdivision Ordinance and the State Subdivision Statute, Title 30-A, §4401, were reviewed.; Because the intended occupants are relatives and no payment is being rendered, and the Statute’s definition of “dwelling unit” includes a reference to “sale or lease,” the Board voted 5 – 0  that the proposal would not create a subdivision requiring municipal approval. Waine will advise her of this and that she will need the proper SSWD permit to proceed.

Mark Rains appeared at 7:40 PM to discuss the possibility of building a hut about 100 feet or more southerly of Webber Brook and about 40 feet westerly of the Plymouth Line border of his property (as outlined in his email to the Board of May 25. Subdivision Ordinance requirements as they might apply to this project were discussed informally. He was advised that these are ultimately legal questions which should be referred to an attorney.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Creston Gaither, secretary