Addendum to Vienna Annual Town Meeting - March 11, 2023
These letters from were not received in time to be included in the 2023 Vienna Annual Town Report.
They are letters from
- Senator Susan Collins
- State Senator Russell Black
- State Representative Daniel Newman
- County Sheriff Ken Mason
See the attached document here
Annual town meeting - March 10-11, 2023
The voting for officers is Friday, March 10 from 4pm to 8pm.
Absentee ballots are available at the town clerk’s office.
The town meeting is March 11 at 9am at the Community Center(Fire station) on Kimball Pond Road
Planning Board Meeting - December 28, 2022
The meeting convened at the Town House at 7:00 PM; regular members present were Waine Whittier, Ed Lawless, Creston Gaither, and Tim Bickford. LoryZamboni was also present. Minutes of the November 23 meeting were read and accepted.
The Board reviewed attorney Paul Mills’ email of December 2 regarding the dividing of the Kohtala Trust land and arguing that the proposal would not be exempt from municipal subdivision review because the parcels would be “exchanges” rather than gifts, even though no money will change hands, and because the grantors have not held the land for at least 5 years as required by Title 30-A § 4401. The Board then determined that review will be required.
Creston will email Lory a copy of the Town Subdivision Ordinance.
The Board reviewed the Subdivision Ordinance Section 4D and agreed to waive the requirement for a location map.
Lory says no new sewers or culverts or roads are planned.
The Board also waived the requirement for contour lines and that for cross-sections, which is evidently not applicable. Page 4 was reviewed and Lory was advised that a written application will be required.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Creston Gaither, secretary
Vienna Record: Feb-Mar 2023
View the February-March 2023 issue here
Our Broadband grant has been approved!
The Maine Connectivity Authority just approved our
$2,229,396 grant application
for constructing a fiber to the home
project for every home in Vienna!
Selectboard meeting for Jan. 10, 2023 has been cancelled
The Selectboard meeting scheduled for Jan. 10 has been cancelled as two of the members are out of town.
Vienna Record: Dec-Jan 2022-2023
View the December/January 2022-2023 issue here
Selectmen's Minutes Oct. 4, 2022 through Nov. 29, 2022
Planning board minutes - Sept. 28, 2022 and Oct. 26, 2022
Dr. Shaw Memorial Library News
Fire Department News
Winter Revels returns to Vienna Union Hall - Dec. 17 at 7p.m.
Vienna 1st Selectman and RSU Representative nominations - 2023 Municipal election
Nomination paperwork is available for the 1st Selectman and RSU Representative for the 2023 Municipal election.They can be picked up at the Clerk's office and must be returned by January 31, 2023